Monday, June 16, 2014


So, I was updating my beer list yesterday  and I realized my post for summarizing March 1, 2013 to February 28, 2014 never got posted; so here it goes again.

Just a quick reminder in that i was attempting to go a full year with trying at least 1 new beer a day, listening to 1 CD a day and running/biking at least 1 mile per day. With each month I was able to complete, I donated at least $50 to a charity of my choice.

Well, if you didnt know, I made it the full year. I wound up drinking 506 different beers, put countless miles on the bike and treadmill and listened to a bunch of good music; but most important, raised some good money for some really good charities.

Thanks to many friends and family that also donated along the way, the final tally was just over $2500 raised in donations. (that i am aware of at least). Not too bad for something as stupid as this project was. I wont list them all again here, but please scroll through the posts as I tried to post links for each charity at the time of donation if they had one.

As you can see, I am still updating this blog. My goal now is 1000 different beers. No time frame, just enjoying them as they happen. Please check back to see what the hell I have been drinking lately and maybe you will discover something new you want to try.

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