Sunday, April 17, 2016


NEW BELGIUM BREWING - Lips Of Faith La Folie 2016         "Seriously sour, this Flanders-Style reddish brown ale was aged 1-3 years in French oak barrels for mouthpuckering perfection." 
A nice little 3 year vertical of this popular sour from New Belgium for my last three beers.  Great taste, definitely sour. The first sip is a little shocking if you don't know what to expect. Lots of dark fruit flavors and some notes of oak, almost wine like. Very complex, each sip seemed to give me a different fruit that stood out. Not a huge fan of sours, but they are growing on me, but this was very good, very enjoyable.
Not sure I noticed any difference amongst the 3 different vintages, the aging didn't hur this beer at all. Highly recommended.

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