Sunday, August 17, 2014


SOUTHERN TIER BREWING COMPANY - Pumking 2014    First off, it just seems too early for the pumpkin beers to be hitting the shelves, but they are usually big sellers for the breweries, so I suppose they need to take advantage of that.

Second, I was debating on counting this as a new beer or not, I am not sure if anything changed in the recipe or not from last year. Most "seasonal" beers tend to experiment a little bit from year to year though and even though I could not find anything official on their website, I am going to count it.

In 2013 this was one of my favorite pumpkin beers and even though this is the first one I have tried in 2014, I think it will still be one of the best. One of the pumpkin beers that isnt dominated by spices, just a great pumpkin pie aroma and flavor. Just a great representation of the style, you cant go wrong giving this one a try.

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