Saturday, December 5, 2015


GOOSE ISLAND BEER CO. - Demolition    Second of a random three beers pulled from the cellar. This is a Belgian Style Golden Ale with a 7.2% ABV with a bottled date of 05/07/2010. I actually have not had this one too long, six months maybe. Not sure if Goose Island held some back or a local distributor found some in the warehouse. I had never seen it before,  then all of a sudden 2-3 of the liquor stores I frequent had it on the shelf. Still pours with a nice head. Weird aroma,  yeasty with a little sweetness and a hint of some spicy notes. Taste is mainly bread notes with a little lemon and grass. Pretty muted though overall. Drinkable, but nothing outstanding. This might have been sitting around for a little too long. Would love to have tried a little fresher bottle.

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