Monday, December 7, 2015


STONE BREWING CO. - Stone Farking Wheaton W00tstout 2015     This is part of their Collaboration Series. This is version 3.0 or the 2015 version. I know I had 2013 or the first version, but never remember seeing 2014/ 2.0 which is surprising,  as I usually buy any Stone beer I see. "Ale brewed with pecans, wheat & rye, with one quarter aged in bourbon barrels."  Has a strong 13% ABV. Smell is mainly chocolate and coffee with a lot of bourbon and alcohol. Flavor had a lot of roasted malts,  bourbon, coffee and chocolate. I really don't notice anything from the pecans. Definitely some alcohol heat. Pretty darn good, not quite up there with some of the top barrel aged stouts, but definitely worth trying. I would buy again in a heartbeat.

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