Thursday, November 6, 2014


SIERRA NEVADA BREWING CO.  - Beer Camp Across America Double Latte: Coffee Milk Stout (with Ninkasi Brewing Company)

I've really enjoyed these last 12 beers. While Sierra Nevada has always done the Beer Camp series,  they really stepped up the game this year.  From what I remember,  in years past they would do 3-4 different Beer Camp beers per year but this year they had a 12 pack with 12 different beers brewed in collaboration with 12 different breweries from across the United States. For a guy that likes to try new stuff, this was great. I searched all over MN to find a 13 pack as pretty much everywhere sold out right away. I did eventually find two12 packs at a liquor store I had never visited before so I was able to have a couple of each style. Good stuff, I hope they do the same thing next year!

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