Tuesday, November 11, 2014


SURLY BREWING COMPANY - Darkness 2014.      This was released two weeks ago, and i knew I wanted to save it for #700. The wait was tough! Not much needs to be said, Darkness is easily my favorite beer from Surly and is one of my favorite styles (imperial stouts).  This years version was aged in rye whiskey barrels and is amazing.
I am glad I was able to acquire a nice quantity of this years version, so I will be able to enjoy it all winter. Great beer,  but the the scramble to get it every year is not fun, but with it being such a popular beer and made in fairly limited quantities,  that is bound to happen.

While I am no longer making a donation monthly (see the beginning of this blog), I always donate at certain goals. So, for beer #700, I have four charities to donate to this Thursday. Why Thursday you ask? Thursday is Give To The Max Day in Minnesota, ( givemn.org), so visit their website and donate if you are able!

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