Wednesday, November 19, 2014


NEW HOLLAND BREWING COMPANY - Rye Hatter Rye P.A. 2014.      My last beer in the New Holland Hatter series for 2014. Decent little rye beer. Doesnt have as much spiciness as I was expecting,  it was fairly minimal. Overall, a pretty good pale ale that I wish had a little more spiciness to it.  Not bad though.

I just realized, the only beer i am missing in the Mad Hatter series is their base beer, Mad Hatter. I will have to find that one to complete the run. I really like most of New Holland's offerings, but overall I was a little dissapointed in the Mad Hatter series. All of them just hover around average, but all of them are just $4.99 for a 22 oz. bomber, which makes them all worth trying.

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