Friday, June 14, 2013

June 14, 2013

ODELL BREWING CO. - ODELL 90 SCHILLING ALE  This is Odells flagship  beer, and it is a mighty good one. It has a nice sweet malt and hop aroma wirh a touch of caramel. Taste has a great balance beween the hops and malt. The two play off each other well and it is very refreshing. This is a nice smooth, creamy and full bodied beer and is a good example of the Scottuah Ale style. I think Odell is becoming one of my favorite breweries, everything i have tried has been very good.

HA HA TONKA - BUCKLE IN THE BIBLE BELT  This is the debut album from this band from Missouri. I cant remember who i saw them open for a couple of years ago, but they blew me away live. Kind of a rock country style, but very hard to categorize as they have a lot if different sounds. The vocals and harmonies are what really sets them apart, just smooth. No real stand out tracks, but just a solid album all the way through. Check out Hangman or This Is Not A Cure For The Common Cold th hear what they are about.

1 hour on bike

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