Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013

LEFT HAND BREWING COMPANY - MILK STOUT NITRO  The label says best if poured hard. Pours very dark and the smell is strong with roasted malts with a hint of coffee. Taste follows the smell with a nice balanced blend of roasted malts, sweet chocolate and black coffee. It has a very soft and creamy feel. A little on the light side, but that actually helps it to be very easy drinking. Great mouthfeel, the beer is sweet, but not overly. Overall a very nice beer, worthy of having again

GRACE POTTER - ORIGINAL SOUL  This is where it all started for me and my fandom of Grace. I cant remember what song i heard  that made me seek out this album, but i am sure glad i did. Her voice is amazing and i have loved Grace and her band ever since. This album is not quite as rock n roll as her more recent ones, but still, great songs and that voice amazes me. She showcases that voice by displaying many different styles; blues, jazz, soul and rock of course. No real hits on this one, but it was early for her and the whole album is actually really good considering it was her debut. Crazy Parade, Deliverance Road, Gumbo Moon, and Hidden Superstition are probably my favorites. I have seen Grace live 4 times so far this year already (with a 5th on the calender in July) and sure wish she would pull out some of these early songs live again. If you dont have this one already, good luck finding it. A very limited print run, i see it currently is going for $150 on Amazon. Itunes? Dont care, didnt check. That is the last resort for me for music. I would almost rather not own something than own it on crappy MP3.

2 miles on treadmill, 13 mile bike ride

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