Sunday, June 2, 2013

June 2, 2013

COORS BREWING COMPANY - BLUE MOON VINTAGE BLONDE ALE 2012   From the label, "from our reserve collection comes our limited exition vintage blonde ale...its crafted with Chardonnay grape juice and all wheat grain for a crisp, dry taste." Interesting in that a mass brewer ia trying to do limited edition craft beer, while many will roll their eyes, i dont really care who makes it as long as its good. I am a big fan of the regular Blue Moon, so why not this? Smell reminds me of a wine, which i guess isnt too surprising. A little bit of grape, but i get more apple actually. Taste is the same, very light malt with the sweet grape/apple standing out. It really has a "winey" sweet taste. Very easy to drink though, just seems a little odd in what they are trying to accomplish. I was expecting mofe along the lines of their regular Blue Moon. I would try it again, definately a good job considering its from one of the big brewers.

ERIK B & RAKIM - PAID IN FULL  Another hip hop classic today. This is a must have for any hip hop fan. Their debut album and many consider it one of the best hip hop albums ever released. Rakim is one of the best lyricists of all time and and every track he is on, he just kills it. He just has a smooth delivery and creative rhymes that just drag you into every song. Every track on this one is a beast. Amazing listen all the way through. Classic.

3 miles on treadmill

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