Sunday, December 15, 2013

December 15, 2013

BROOKLYN BREWERY - WINTER ALE  Very malty nose, with some toffee hints and a little smokiness. Not much sign of any spices like most winter style beers. Flavor has roasted malts and some nuttiness and hints of dark fruits. Its ok for a winter beer, but not as good as i was hoping from Brooklyn.

CLOWN SHOES - HOPPY FEET BLACK INDIA PALE ALE  Aroma of chocolate, coffee, roasted malts with a little hint of citrus. Taste of strong black coffee, roasted malts and some pine. Has a slight bitterness too. A nice beer, seems like a mix of a stout and a ipa. Smooth with a full rich flavor, very enjoyable.

ATMOSPHERE - SAD CLOWN BAD SUMMER #9  Nice little EP in their Sad Clown series. Basically 5 songs about growing up. Great stories, great lyrics, great beats, Atmosphere never dissapoints.

2.5 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

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