Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 7, 2013

ABITA BREWING CO. - ANDYGATOR  Helles Dopplebock style beer with 8% ABV. Nice malty aroma with a little fruity sweetness and some light hops. Pretty simple, but not bad. Starts with a little sweetness with caramel malt flavor and the hops give it a little grassy finish. Like the aroma, taste is pretty simple,  but surprisingly smooth and drinkable. I am not very familier with this style, but enjoyed this one. One of the better beers i have tried from Abita.

WEIRD AL YANKOVIC - EVEN WORSE  As usual, some more great parodies from Weird Al.  If i remember right, this might have been about the peak of his popularity.  The song and video for Fat (Michael Jackson's Bad) was huge on MTV. He still has a loyal fan base today, and if you are a fan, i am sure you have this one (and all of them actually) and if your not, i think your missing the boat. Fun to listen to.

4 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

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