Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 22, 2013

ANCHOR BREWING COMPANY- OUR SPECIAL ALE 2013 (ANCHOR CHRISTMAS ALE)  Really nice aroma with lots of spices and malty sweetness. Hints of toffee, molasses, nutmeg, cinnamon, and caramel. Very nice. Tastes like it smells. Very well balanced, all the spices compliment each other and none of them overwhelm. A little bitter up front and a nice toasty finish. Anchor changes the recipe every year, and this year seems like a winner to me. I have tried a few different years in the past, but dont remember the differences. Had a chance to buy a vertical of 2009 ro 2013 bottles and passed, now i wish i would have bought it. Excellent winter seasonal, well worth trying.

WIDMER BROTHERS BREWING COMPANY - BRRR   Aroma has some cirrusy hops, caramel malts and some pine. Flavor has a nice hop balance with some caramel and roasted malts. Some spice notes, but not as many as other winter warmer style beers. Fairly solid beer, was more hop forward than i was expecting, but a nice change of pace, something different for the holidays that i would try again.

CROSS CANADIAN RAGWEED - SONY CONNECT ACOUSTIC TRACKS  A nice little EP of 4 of their songs recorded acoustically: Cold Hearted Woman, Final Curtain, Fightin' For, and Dimebag. Short but sweet.

3 miles on treadmill

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