Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 11, 2013

DYNAMITE HACK - SUPERFAST  I loved this CD by this little known band when it came out. Still love it today. Kind of punk-rock mix between Green Day, Sublime and the lyrical humor of Weezer. Their cover of the rap hit Boyz-In-The-Hood is classic. Otherwise, Switcheroo, Alvin, Dear Kate, Wussypuff and Anway are all great tracks. I think they have put out a couple more albums since this, would love to find them.

O'DELL BREWING CO. - LUGENE CHOCOLATE MILK STOUT  Where to begin. I love this beer. After cracking it the smell is a chocolate milk cocoa sweetness. Very smooth and easy drinking. Taste is milk chocolate all the way through. Overall, i think this is a great beer, and could easily toss back a few (and probably will tonight) in one sitting. Has a nice 8.5% ABV. Too bad its a seasonal and only available through March. Hoping i can grab a few more 4 packs before it disapears until next year. Try this one, it wont dissapoint.

1 mile on treadmill

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