Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 13, 2013

THE DEAD MILKMEN - BIG LIZARD IN MY BACKYARD Yes, that is the vinyl and the CD. 99% sure if i dig the cassette box out i have it there too. Probably in my top 10 favorite albums. Classic punk rock and roll that is just fun to listen to. Playing it today, it still sounds as fresh as it did in 1985 when it was released. Tiny Town, Plum Dumb, Swordsfish, Big Lizard, Bitchin' Camaro, Takin' Retards To The Zoo, Right Wing Pigeons: all classics. Actually, all the rest are great too. Still putting music out today, these guys are just plain fun to listen to. While none of their other albums were as good as this one, they are all worth checking out.

SIERRA NEVADA BREWING CO. - RUTHLESS RYE IPA  Has a spicy rye and fruity grapefruit smell. Pours a nice reddish amber color. Flavor is tasty, it has the rye bread up front but finishes with piney citrus hops. Good stuff, rye IPAs are not for everyone, but if you want to try one, this is a good start.

3 miles in treadmill and 30 minutes on bike

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