Thursday, September 12, 2013

September 12, 2013

EPIC BREWING CO. - BLUE LAW PORTER This came in a 22oz bottle and is labeled as a 2nd release with an ABV of 7.0. From what i heard, the first release was a quite a bit different. Smell has some light roasted malts, blackberry and a little chocolate even. Tasted of blackberry/blueberry and some chocolate sweetness. Not bad. Nothing remarkable, just ok. I was expecting more, but it was pretty mild and if it was more full flavored, could have been so much better.

AC/DC - IF YOU WANT BLOOD, YOU'VE GOT IT  You can never go wrong with some Bon Scott era AC/DC.  Great live record from that era. Any AC/DC with Bon is highly reccomended.

1 mile on treadmill, 14 mile bike ride

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