Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30, 2013

ROGUES ALES - VOODOO DOUGHNUT CHOCOLATE, BANANA & PEANUT BUTTER ALE  I was pretty excited to give this one a try, but not real sure what to think about it now. Smells just like the name, but the banana was barely noticeable. Also smells sweet, but that sweetness doesnt come through in the taste as much as i was expecting. Taste is weak and seems artificial. Some roasted malts and mostly chocolate. Very dissapointing, it just didnt deliver on the flavors promised in the name. Interesting, but wouldnt try again unless i heard they refined the recipe.

PRINCE & THE REVOLUTION - PURPLE RAIN  Saw part of the movie yesterday and had to listen to this one today. The album that really made Prince huge. Classic.

2 miles on treadmill and 14 mile bike ride

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