Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 28, 2013

BROOKLYN BREWERY - MONSTER ALE 2012   At 10.1 ABV, it is a bit of a monster. Smell is hops, alcohol, a hint of fruitiness but the alcohol dominates, which is not surprising with the ABV. Taste is much the same with the booze overwhelming everything else. Too much of a booze bite for my taste, could use some of the other flavors to stand out more. Not my favorite from Brooklyn, and i understand 2012 was the last year for this one as they retired it.

CHICKENFOOT - CHICKENFOOT III   Listened to both of Chickenfoots albums today. It is a supergroup with Sammy Hagar, Michael Anthony, Joe Satriani, and Chad Smith. Straight up rock. They sound like they have been playing togethor for years. Fun stuff, i like these guys, saw them live a couple of years ago and it was a great show.

3 miles on treadmill.1 hour on bike

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