Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 12, 2013

I am going to rate these two together, they are essentially the same other than the apple or strawberry flavor. Both smell artificial, i cant really describe it, they just seem off. The nice thing is they both taste better than they smell, but both are a little too sweet for my liking. They seem to have too much carbnation too, more like a pop than a beer/ale. Perhaps should be more in the cider category. Probably not something i would seek out again.

BLUE DAWG BREWING - RASCALS WILD RED  Massive raspberry smell. Very sweet tasting beer, big on the raspberry of course. Just doesnt seem like you are drinking a beer though, even though it has a ABV of 8%. The alcohol is pretty well hidden when drinking. I actually kind of enjoyed this one, but i am a big raspberry fan. I remember trying their blueberry flavored beer earlier this summer and was not impressed with that one. This is an improvement to me.

GAELIC STORM - WHATS THE RUMPUS?  Love me a little Gaelic Storm. Great party/drinking band.  Great stories, great musicianship, these guys are just plain fun. If you ever have a chance to catch them live, i highly reccomend it. Its a great party, be sure to bring your drinking shoes and have a ride home!  Favorites on this one: Darcys Donkey, Whats The Rumpus, and The Night I Punched Russel Crowe.

3 miles on treadmil, 30 minutes on bike

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