Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28, 2013

GOOSE ISLAND BEER CO.  OKTOBERFEST  Another Marzen style Oktoberfest beer, love this time of year. Aroma is caramel malts and some  grassy hops with a littlefruit hint. Nice flavor, standard for style: caramel, toffee, but has some sweetness from the fruits. Nice. This is a little unique Oktoberfest with the fruit, but i really enjoyed it. Well done, could pound a few of these no problem.

SAM KINISON - HAVE YOU SEEN ME LATELY?  Great comedy album, still has me smiling thinking about it. Sure wish i could find his debut, but it is out of print. I know i have it stored away somewhere on cassette though. This album really went big due to his remake of  the song Wild Thing. The video was great too. RIP Sam.

1 mile on treadmill

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