Sunday, October 13, 2013

October 13, 2013

BOSTON BEER CO. - SAMUEL ADAMS LIGHT  As far as a light beer goes,  this is one of the best. Great taste for a light beer, most seem to lose their flavor. Smells pretty much like the regular version, wheat, grain and some hops. I probably wouldnt pick it up again, but it is excellent for what it is.

BELLS BREWERY INC - LAGER OF THE LAKES  Malts with light wheat and grassy hops smell. Tastes the same as the nose, maybe some light citrus at the end. Okay, but unexceptional lager, not my favorite offering from Bells, nothing stands out to me.

GREAT LAKES BREWING COMPANY - ELIOT NESS  Aroma has strong maltiness with a bit of some fruity notes. Flavor is all malts, with some sweet caramel. Delicious, well balanced, refreshing and easy to drink, this is one of the best lagers i have tried. Well worth finding.

STONEY LARUE - VELVET  A little red dirt country. I really like Stoneys voice and this is fun record. Not my favorite of his, but still enjoyable, great stories.

3 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

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