Monday, October 14, 2013

October 14, 2013

PEACE TREE BREWING CO. - RED RAMBLER ALE  Not much to the aroma, hints of malt with a little caramel. Tastes real malty and sweet up front. A little spice at the end to balance it out. Nothing memorable, but overall was a decent example of a red ale.

SIERRA NEVADA BREWING CO. - STOUT  Great smell; caramel, roasted malts and a hint of chocolate. Taste has a bold roasted malt flavor, sweet chocolate and a hint of coffee.  This is a great stout, maybe one of the best i have tried. Rich flavor and nicely balanced. This will be  regular in the future, wish i had a few more tonight.

PEACE TREE BREWING CO. - HOP WRANGLER 3  Nice floral hop aroma. Taste is well balanced, leans to the hop side though and you can really notice them in the finish. Not as hoppy as most IPAs out there today though, but was a nice change of pace. Would be a nice starter beer for somone new to IPAs.

SPRUNG MONKEY - MR. FUNNY FACE  Love these guys. Kind of an eclectic sound. Mix between alternative, punk, ska and a little reggae. Just fun to listen to, great riffs, fun lyrics and not mainstream at all.  Very unique. Great upbeat sound. Favorites: Get 'Em Outta Here, Super Breakdown, Hard Times, and Going For Th Angry

3 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

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