Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30, 2013

FOUNDERS BREWING COMPANY - DIRTY BASTARD  Malt smells dominate, mostly caramel and toffee. Great taste, sweet caramel malts, toffee, dark fruits, and a little chocolate. A little bitter finish keeps this nicely balanced. It has a 8.5 ABV, that i didnt notice at all. Excellent beer. Rich and complex, this is a great Scottish Ale.

FOUNDERS BREWING COMPANY - BREAKFAST STOUT Whoa! This is probably one of the top 5 beers i have tried in the last 8 months. Great smell, roasted malts with chocolate and coffee. Nice complex taste. Coffee up front, followed by some oatmeal and finishes with a chocolate aftertaste. The alcohol is only slightly detectable which is nice considering it is a 8.3 ABV. Perfectly balanced. Nice smooth creamy thick mouthfeel, i could drink this anytime.
Both these Founders were great, and i really enjoyed their Rubaeus this summer, i need to find their other offerings as the 3 i have tried have really impressed me

311 - LIVE  If you like the band, you know they put on a great live show. This is a pretty good representation of what seeing them live is all about. Tuen it up and have fun.

2.5 miles on treadmill and 30 minutes on bike

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