Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2014

NEW GLARUS BREWING CO. - SERENDIPITY HAPPY ACCIDENT FRUIT ALE  Aroma is sweet tart and fruity. I get mostly cherries and apples. Great smell, if you didnt know, you would probably not even guess its a beer. Taste follows the nose and is quite sweet. Lots of fruit character. Notes of cherries, apples, honey and cranberries. Finishes with some tartness, but could actually use a little bit more to help balance out the sweetness. Still, one of the better fruit style beers i have tried. Another winner from New Glarus.

RYAN ADAMS - ROCK N ROLL Ryan Adams has so many good albums. He can pretty much cover any style he wants. This one is a little rock/punk style kind of like early Replacements. I love anything he does.

3 miles on treadmill

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