Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 29, 2014

SOUTHERN TIER BREWING COMPANY -  OAT  Nice imperial stout with a 10.8% ABV. Aroma has some chocolate and roasted malts with hints of coffee. Taste has a sweet and creamy malt character. Chocolate is up front, then a kind of burnt coffee taste and finishes with the oats. Sweet throughout. Not bad, nice balance, the alcohol is pretty well hidden for the high ABV. Well done Southern Tier, not as flavorful as i was hoping, but still a really good beer.

BOSTON BEER COMPANY - SAMUEL ADAMS TASMAN RED IPA  Smell has some pine, citrus, and earthy notes with a subtle caramel sweetness.  Taste has some pine and grapefruit up front, balanced with the sweetness from the caramel malt. Finish is a little bitter and citrusy. Pretty smooth. It took me awhile to decide,  but i think i really liked this beer, it was easy to drink and had a decent mouthfeel, just took me a few sips to decide.

THE POGUES - RUM, SODOMY, AND THE LASH  Perhaps the most popular album from this Irish band and i think is just plain brilliant. Great songs with raw emotional lyrics. You need to have a drink in hand while listening (and i did). Musically perfect and interesting lyrics and stories, just a great celebration of quality music.

3 miles on treadmill

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