Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22, 2014

SIERRA NEVADA BREWING COMPANY - NORTHERN HEMISPHERE HARVEST WET HOP ALE 2013  One of the best IPAs i have tried. Had the 2012 version on May 15th. Pretty much the same as the last one from what i can remember. Smell is a great balance of citrus and pine hops with a little caramel sweetness. Tastes the same, definately hop forward. Just a great seasonal IPA, i look forward to these every time they are released.

JIMI HENDRIX - VALLEYS OF NEPTUNE Any Jimi music is good to listen to. This release from 2010 contains 12 unreleased studio recordings. Amazing how good they sound beings they were all recorded around 1969. Must have for any Jimi fan.

1 mile on treadmill

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