Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014

SAMUEL SMITH OLD BREWERY  (TADCASTER) - SAMUEL SMITH'S WINTER WELCOME ALE  This is the 2013/2014 version. Sweet and bready malt smell with some caramel and light floral hops. Malty taste with some caramel sweetness. Taste is pretty mild though. I was expecting more. I dont really get the winter warmer aspect of it, but it was still enjoyable. Not many spices like most winter style beers. Decent effort but not very bold, nothing makes it stand out.

PEARL JAM - LIVE AT THE GORGE 05/06  This is a little box set that contains 3 live Pearl Jam shows from the famous Gorge in George, Washington. I listened to the September 5, 2005 show today. Not much to say, the band is great as always, some good banter too. Pearl Jam are definately on my bucket list as well is The Gorge.

1 mile on treadmill

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