Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014

ODELL BREWING COMPANY - LEVITY AMBER ALE  Nice toasted malt aroma with some spice and citrus hops. Taste has some sweet caramel malt up front with a nice bit of citrus and some herbal notes. Just a touch of bitterness and a nice clean finish. Great balance, simple, but so good. Its very easy drinking and a great take on an Amber beer. Sure glad Odell is distributed in Minnesota as they consistantly put out really good beers.

FISHBONE - CHIM CHIMS BADASS REVENGE  I love me some Fishbone, but i must admit, this is not one of my favorite albums from them. Its no bad at all, in fact i enjoy listening to it, but just compared to some of their other albums its a little bit of a letdown. Still, a great and underappreciated band still kicking it today. Favorites: In The Cube, Beergut, Alcoholic, and Rock Star.

1 mile on treadmill

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