Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4, 2014

TALLGRASS BREWING COMPANY - ZOMBIE MONKIE ROBUST PORTER  Very cool can, says its a "tactical grip can" to "prevent slippage while fleeing". Its not smooth, but has rough bumpy spots all over it. Aroma has roasted malts with hints of chocolate and coffee roast, nice. Very tasty, just like it smells. Rich, creamy and smooth, this is a very easy drinking beer. I think it even got better as it warmed. This is one of the better porters i have tried in the last year and might be my favorite from Tallgrass, highly reccomended.

GREAT LAKES BREWING CO. - NOSFERATU  A nice American red from Great Lakes. Nosferatu is a German vampire from the 1920s according to the label. Smell is mostly caramel malts with some dark fruit hints. Pretty basic, but solid. Taste is malty sweet with lots of fruit and some caramel. Nothing special,  but it is really good for what it is, but honestly i was a little dissapointed as Great Lakes usually has nothing but great beers. Saying that, i would still grab one anytime though.

GRAIN BELT BREWING CO. - BRAIN BELT  ZOMBIE PUB CRAWL 2013 Special can made for the annual Zombie Pub Crawl in Minnesota. I bought this just for the can, it sure wasnt for the beer, yikes. Although Grain Belt has its loyal followers here in MN, i am not one of them, just a little too bland for my tastes. Grains in the smell, grains in the flavor, pretty basic.

BUTTHOLE SURFERS -HURDY GURDY MAN  A nice little ep from the kings of psychedelic rock. Only 3 songs, but BS are always entertaining.

3 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

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