VICTORY BREWING CO. - WINTER CHEERS A little different take on a winter seasonal. Basically a wheat style beer or hefeweizen. Standard hefeweizen aroma and taste for me: clove, wheat and banana. A very solid hefeweizen, nothing fancy, just solid. I really dont think of this style when i hear winter beer, but it is a nice change of pace from the standard darker winter spiced style, just not sure why its a winter style beer, but if you looking for a decent hefe, this will do just fine.
FLYING DOG BREWERY - K9 WINTER ALE Aroma has some earthy malts with caramel and toffee. There is also a slight hint of spices and fruit, but very hard to make out. Straight up malt flavor, caramel and toffee with some roasted malt. Spices are so faint, they are almost not even there. Smooth and easy to drink, but the flavor is pretty underwhelming, could have used a bit more spice to seperate it from any other winter offering, glad i tried it, but no need to have it again.
SUMMIT BREWING CO. - WINTER ALE Smell is of toasted malts with a little bit of nuttiness and a touch of spice. Pretty mild though. Taste is of roasted malts with a little note of chocolate and caramel and a little nutty. No sign of the spices in the nose. Nice winter treat, the alcohol is well hidden and it is easy to drink. Not the best winter warmer i have tried, but a good representation of the style, nicely done Summit.
ALICIA KEYS - VH1 STORYTELLER This is a cd/dvd combo of her vh1 storytellers special. I did not watch the dvd today. I usually am a big fan of this series featuring artists telling stories behind the songs. This one is decent, the music is great, but the stories are pretty muted compared to some of the others i have heard/seen. Still, her voice is amazing as always and this is still very enjoyable, especially is you are a fan.
3 miles on treadmill, 1 hour on bike
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