Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 10, 2013

BOSTON BEER COMPANY - SAMUEL ADAMS PORCH ROCKER  Smell is all lemon with a slight malt prescence also.  Tastes like a sweet lemonade with a little wheat in the background, but its a little too sweet for my taste, at times its hard to remember i am even drinking a beer. Overall though, its a refreshing summer beer that would be perfect on a super hot day. With how sweet it is though, i would think it would be pretty hard to drink too many of them. Just one or two though, it would be just fine.

BLACK JOE LEWIS & THE HONEYBEARS - TELL 'EM WHAT YOUR NAME IS!  I needed a little motivation to get moving this morning and this was a perfect start to the day. I was dancing in the living room soon after cranking it up, you just cant sit still and listen to this. Kind of in the soul style of James Brown or Otis Redding. Great guitar driven music with an amazing horns section with a ton of energy. Barely over 30 minutes but packed with up tempo fiery funky bluesy soul music. I saw these guys open for Dave Matthews Band a few years back and have been hooked since, amazing energy in their live shows. Ten killer songs, check these guys out. Best songs: Gunpowder, Sugarfoot, I'm Broke, Big Booty Woman, Master Sold My Baby, Get Yo Shit, Humpin' and Bobby Booshay.  Wait, thats 8 of the 10? Yep, good stuff.

22 mile bike ride

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