Sunday, August 18, 2013

August 18, 2013

ODELL BEEWING COMPANY - ST. LUPULIN  This is a american pale ale that is a summer seasonal release from Odell. The aroma is great, full of citrus and piney hops, it could easily pass for an IPA. The taste is well balanced and a little hop forward with some sweet malts. Nice citrusy fruits up front and a little floral bitterness. Very enjoyable with a nice clean finish. This is a great example of a summer pale ale. Odell has done it again, quickly becoming one of my favorite overall brewers.

CINDERELLA - NIGHT SONGS  How about  little 80s rock this week. Great debut album frim Cinderella. Straight forward rock and roll with a little bit of blues. Great raspy vocals and fun basic lyrics. Often lumped in with the glam hair bands (probably because of the picture on this debut album cover) they were much more than that and i dont feel they should be in that category. These guys rocked a lot harder, and still due. The lead singer, Tom Keifer, actually had a great solo album released just this year. Straight up a great rock records, not a bad song on it. Highlights: Night Songs, Shake Me, Nobodys Fool, Simebody Save Me, and Back Home Again.

3 miles on treadmill

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