Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August 20, 2013

GOOSE ISLAND BEER CO. - 25TH ANNIVERSARY ALE  This is a beewed one time only anniversary beer. Nice aroma, citrusy hops with a little spice. Taste has a little bitterness, but in a good way. Citrus hops are up front with a nice malt background and has some caramel notes. Drinks pretty effortlessly. Its nicely balanced and drinkable. Nice beer, wish i had a few more around and would for sure reccomend giving it a try.

POISON - LOOK WHAT THE CAT DRAGGED IN  I think this might br the ultimate glam/hair metal album. My god. Just look at the cover photo, what the hell where they thinking? At least the album rocks, thats what ultimately makes it a must have for any 80s rock fan. Not much depth, but who cares, this album is all about having fun. Great poppy metal with fun sexually charged and catchy lyrics. This is a great party record, just turn it up. Favorites: Cry Tough, I Want Action, Play Dirty, Look What The Cat Dragged In, and Talk Dirty To Me.

2 miles on treadmil, 1 hour of tennis (boy was it hot out there)

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