Monday, August 19, 2013

August 19, 2013

GREAT LAKES BREWING COMPANY - THE WRIGHT PILS  Great smell; bready malts and floral hops. Taste follows the nose, starts out with the bready malts and gives way to the fruity and floral hops. A little in the light side for a pilsner, but thats a minor complaint as it is very easy to drink and has a nice mouthfeel and a great balance. Great flavor, very crisp and refreshing, i could drink these all night long.

RATT - OUT OF THE CELLAR  Another classic 80s rock album. Like Cinderella, Ratt was also lumped into the glam/hair metal category and ahould not have been. They were a great hard rock band and this debut is a must have for any hard rock or heavy metal fan. Tight musicianship with great catchy songs this still sounds great to me today and a must have. Favorites: Wanted Man, Round And Round, Lack Of Communication, Back For More, and Scene Of The Crime.

2 miles on treadmill, 16 mile bike ride

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