Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 8, 2013

STEVENS POINT BREWERY - POINT THREE KINGS ALE  Aroma is pretty nominal, not much there, a little grainy breadiness with some slight floral and grassy hops. Taste is much like the aroma, not much there either. Grainy with a hint of sweet fruitiness. Its very light and easy to drink, seems decent but there is just nothing that stands out enough for me to choose it again.

BLACK STONE CHERRY - FOLKLORE AND SUPERSTITION  The sophmore album from this southern rock group picks up right where their debut left off. Great hard rock album with a little southern flair, seems a little more bluesy than the debut, which is great to me. Great sound with mostly hard rocking songs with a few ballads thrown in (typical rock record formula). The big balled is Things My Father Said, which is a great emotional song. Really good album in my opinion, these guys should be bigger than they are, too underrated. Favorites: Blind Man, Reverend Wrinkle, Soulcrack, Long Sleeves, Peace Is Free, Devils Queen,  The Key, Sunrise, and Ghost Of Floyd Collins.

2 miles on treadmill

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