Saturday, August 17, 2013

August 17, 2013

LAGUNITAS BREWING COMPANY - CENSORED   Most Lagunitas offerings i have had are very hop forward, so this one surprised me a little. Smell is straight up malts, not much else, maybe a hint of caramel. The taste is all malts too with just a hint of grassy hop bitterness added. Seems very well balanced and well made. A tasty ale, smooth and very drinkable. Not my favorite from them, but a nice change of pace from their usual hop bomb offerings. Very enjoyable.

THE TIME - THE TIME  The debut album from Minnesotas own R&B funk group. Actually, everything on this album was done by Prince, except the vocals, which Morris Day did. The actual Time didnt form until after this album was even recorded. Relatively short with only 6 songs, it still clocks in around 40 minutes. While all songs are decent, some drag on a little too long. While probably perfect at the dance club some could be cut a little for our listening pleasure. They only recorded a few albums after this, but were one of the best R&B bands of the 80s. Another band where the egos just got in the way of some great music.  Favorites: Get It Up, Girl, and Cool.

20 mile bike ride

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