Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 30, 2013

21ST AMENDMENT BREWERY & ELYSIAN BREWING- HE SAID TRIPEL  Label describes it as a "Belgian style Tripel ale brewed with pumpkin and spices."  It kind of has that Tripel smell (not sure on how to really describe it, but if you have drank a few Tripels, you know). Mostly fruity aroma with some light spices. I really didnt notice much for pumpkin at all. Tastes more like a Tripel than a pumpkin beer to me. Mostly fruits and some sweetness with a little spices,  the pumpkin was barely noticeable here in the taste as well. As a straight up Tripel style beer, not bad. However, as a pumpkin style beer it misses the mark for me.

THE DONNAS - SPEND THE NIGHT  This release is from 2002 from the all female rock band. Nothing groundbreaking, but just fun rock and roll, and these girls can rock!  Just straight up rock in the vein of Joan Jett, Heart, AC/DC, etc. Fun lyrics, a great party record and i stull think the drummer is hot.

4 miles on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

Friday, November 29, 2013

November 29, 2013

SOUTHERN TIER BREWING COMPANY - PUMKING  We might have a new leader for me for best pumpkin beer, this one was really good. Big natural pumpkin smell, a little caramel malt and just a hint of spices. Nice to see a pumpkin beer where the spices dont overwhelm. This has a nice smooth strong pumpkin flavor with just a hint of spice and caramel. Very well balanced, the 8.6% ABV is hidden well. I think this is what i want a pumpkin beer to be. True to the style, the pumpkin is not lost by spices and fake flavors. Might be the best representation of actual pumpkin flavor i have tried, this one is as pumpkin as it gets and is a must have each Thanksgiving season.

SOUTHERN TIER BREWING COMPANY - WARLOCK  Whereas the Pumking is more of an ale, this one is more of a imperial stout style. To me, the aroma is almost the same though, but with more roasted malts and perhaps a little more spiciness.Tastes much like it smells. Tastes a lot like Pumking, but the raosted malts give this some additional flavor. Seems a little on the thin side for an imperial stout though. Again, very well balanced, the 8.6% ABV is hidden well here too. Nice beer too. I dont think you can go wrong with either Pumking or Warlock, just depends on your tastes and preferences. For me, Pumking edges Warlock slightly, but i would have either again in a heartbeat.

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN & THE E STREET BAND - NO PRIVATE PARTY-ROXY 1978  This is a bootleg of a concert from July 7, 1978. At the time it was broadcast live on select radio stations. I visit a few Springsteen bootleg sites on the internet machine and this show is often referred to as one of the best shows Bruce will ever do or as a contender for best show ever. The quality is amazing and i have to agree its a pretty high energy fun show to listen to and close to 3 hours long! The only downside to me is the few radio station plugs and DJs comments, but aside from that, wow!

3 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

Thursday, November 28, 2013

November 28, 2013

SHIPYARD BREWING CO. - SMASHED PUMPKIN Of course i was going to try a pumpkin beer on Thanksgiving.  Smell is heavy on malts, with a nice pumpkin smell with some light nutmeg. Not as much spice aroma as others in the style. Great flavor, lots of nutmeg up front with a nice malt background. The pumpkin is there but it doesnt overwhelm. Very well balanced beer with a really good mouthfeel that is not too sweet.  I think it got even better as it warmed. Very smooth for having a 9% ABV. Really good example of the style, will definately be on the look out for this one next year.

JASON BOOTS - LOOKING BACK AHEAD  How about a little Minnesota talent for my Thanksgiving day musical choice? Hails from Hastings, but i thought i heard he was actually born in my hometown, Alexandria. This is a fun little EP. I reallly enjoy every song. Nice little rocking party record. The bonus song is a fun little rap song he did in one take which is amazing as its about 5 minutes long with no breaks and at a pretty fast clip.

3 miles on treadmill

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November 27, 2013

BIG WOOD BREWERY - BARK BITE  Lots of citrus and malt scents with a touch of pine. Taste is just like it smells, a little citrus up front with a hoppy bitter finish. The citrus is pretty faint though. Eh, average IPA, highlight is it is a Minnesota brewery and is priced right, just dont expect to be wowed.

BIG WOOD BREWERY - JACK PINE SAVAGE  The smell has lots of malt up front. Caramel, toffee, and some toasted malts. Hints of some citrus hops, but they are not real prominent; its pretty nice overall. Taste follows the nose and is very well balanced. Nothing real extraordinary, but a really nice everyday take on an American pale ale. Crisp, smooth, and tasty, this is a nice addition to the Minnesota beer scene, will for sure revisit this one.

EVERLAST - WHITEY FORD SINGS THE BLUES  I really enjoy most of Everlasts work. This CD was pretty popular due to What Its Like and Ends, which kind of had an acoustic folk rap kind of vibe, but the rest of the album is straight up rap. Good stuff.

2 miles on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 26, 2013

BOSTON BEER COMPANY- FAT JACK DOUBLE PUMPKIN ALE  The smell is pretty muted, notes of cinnamon, caramel,allspice, a bit of pumpkin and some sweet malts. Taste is similar to the nose, but just doesnt seem like there is a lot of pumpkin present to me, especially beings its labeled a double pumpkin ale. The pumpkin is up front, and you get more of the spices in the finish, but its not overly spiced, I just wish the pumpkin stood out a little more. Still though, pretty good overall, nicely balanced and easy to drink, just missing a little something to really make it stand out. It has some pumpkin, but i was hoping for more. As a fall beer its good, but as a pumpkin beer it misses the mark a little. I actually enjoyed their regular pumpkin beer more.

ALISON KRAUSS AND ROBERT PLANT - RAISING SAND  Perhaps an odd pairing, but this album is unbelievable. The voice of Led Zeppelin and one of countrys best voices, just go so well together, its kind of hard to explain, but sounds great to me. This was released in 2007 and i sure wish they would team up again. Favorites: all of them.

1 mile on treadmill

Beer Fridge #2

And here it is fully stocked!

Monday, November 25, 2013

November 25, 2013

FLYING DOG BREWERY - UNDERDOG ATLANTIC LAGER  Smell is light, bready, malty with hints of floral hops, pretty light though. Malty with a slight citrus flavor and a hint of floral hopiness. Smooth, clean and crisp, this is a decent lager. Nothing groundbreaking, but a good representation of the style. Well balanced and easy to drink, could pound a few of these pretty easily.

FLYING DOG BREWERY - HORN DOG BARLEY WINE STYLE ALE  This one has a 10.2 ABV and is "vintage 13BB." Standard barleywine aroma - dark fruits, caramel, but I also detect a hint of black licorice. Tastes similar to the smell, only a little bit stronger. Heavy on the caramel and dark fruity sweetness, and has a slighlty bitter finish with a little alcohol warmth. Pretty nicely balanced and drinks fairly easy for having such a high ABV. Pretty standard for the style, but its just not one of my favorite styles. Got better as it warmed.

PHISH - NEW YEAR'S EVE 1995 LIVE AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN  Epic live show from "Americas Greatest Jam Band". If you are a fan you'll love it, but if your new to their music this is probably not a spot to start. They release a ton of live shows, so you have to kind of pick an choose as you could probably never be able to afford them all.Great band and the improvisation live is just incredible. Great versions of Reba, Weekapaug Groove, and You Enjoy Myself. A nice Auld Lang Syne at midnight. Fun stuff.

3 miles on treadmill

Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 24, 2013

BOSTON BEER CO. - BLACK LAGER  The smell is roasted malts with some coffee notes and a hint chocolate. Has a nice creamy taste and was a little sweeter than i expected. The flavor is malty with some mild chocolate, toffee, coffee and even has a little spiciness from the hops. Lots going on in the flavor.  Easy to drink and very smooth for a dark beer, very tasty. If someone says the dont like dark beers, they should give this one a try, i think they would be pretty surprised how good it is.

BOSTON BEER CO. - CHERRY WHEAT  This is a very sweet smelling beer. The cherries dominate with a little wheat backbone. The cherry aroma reminds me of cough syrup. Cherry flavor is very up front, and is a little on the sweet side. The wheat is pretty light. I actually really didnt mind it at all, was pretty refreshing and enjoyable. I can see this one as being a love or hate with most people, there is probably no in between.

PATRICE PIKE - UNRAVELING  This CD was released when she probably was most recognizable. She had just been a contestent on Rockstar Supernova (or whatever it was that year). I thought she could have won, but was glad she didnt, so she didnt have to perform with those guys who were well past their prime.(Incidentally, i think they only released one album, and it was pretty much a bomb.) She had a few solo albums before this one and has had a few since too. Great songwriter and great voice. Her previous band, Sister 7, was very good too. I think she is unbelievably talented and has not got the commercial success she deserves. Check her solo stuff or Sister 7 records out, i dont think you will be dissapointed. Favorites: Beautiful Thing, Rufus, Dragonfly, Ridiculous Mess,  Unraveling, and Temple

2 miles on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

Saturday, November 23, 2013

November 23, 2013

CISCO BREWERS ISLAND RESERVE - RUMPLE DRUMKIN  Bottle states its an "ale brewed with smoked pumpkins and spices then aged in ex rum barrels."  Aroma has some faint pumpkin and spices, but smoky malts seem to overwhelm those. There is also just a faint hint of rum. Everything is very muted though, not what i was expecting.  The smoked malts dominate the flavor, the pumpkin and spices just dont come out enough for me. The smoke is just too strong and hides everything else. There are alot better pumpkin style beers out there. Glad i gave it a try, but would not buy again.

RICHARD PRYOR - THE WARNER BROS. ALBUMS (1974-1983)  Listened to the third album in this box set, Bicentennial Nigger. Love Richard Pryor, but this is the weakest album in the box set so far, not bad, but just not up to the the first two i have listened to. Mudbone Goes To Hollywood is the highlight.

4 miles in treadmill

Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22, 2013

ODELL BREWING CO. - MYRCENARY DOUBLE IPA  A nice 9.3% ABV on this one.  Great fruity hop aroma, mostly tropical fruits; kiwi, orange, and grapefruit. Also a hint of some bready malts and pine. Taste is almost identical to the smell. Tropical fruits all over the place. Mild alcohol heat, buts its minimal, very nicely balanced. This is just really good. Great hop flavor and aroma, but not overpowering. Excellent.

ODELL BREWING CO. - MOUNTAIN STANDARD DOUBLE BLACK IPA  This one from Odell has a 9.5% ABV, definately no lite beers tonight. Smell has some big roasted malts and citrusy hops with hints of chocolate, coffee and pine. Taste has all kinds of roasted malts, caramel, coffee and chocolate. Hops give it a little bitterness, but it is very nicely balanced, you can hardly notice the alcohol. This is exactly what a black IPA should be; complex, balanced and tasty. Just awesome.
I think every beer from Odell i have tried has been excellent, i dont think you can go wrong with anything they offer. I cant wait to go back to their brewery in February.

N.E.R.D. - IN SEARCH OF...   This was their debut album. Great mix of rock and rap. Favorites: Lapdance, Provider, Truth Or Dare, Tape You, Rock Star, and Bobby James. Fun listen.

1 hour on bike

Beer Fridge #1

The new beer fridge is in the house, now i need to stock it!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

November 21, 2013

ANCHOR BREWING CO. - ANCHOR BOCK  Roasted malts and caramel dominate the smell and maybe a hint of some darker fruits. Taste is all about the malts. Dark caramel and strong roasted malts stand out the most. Too malty for my taste, not real well balanced in my opinion, hops are barely noticeable. Have not had too many beers in the bock style, but i dont think this one will hold up real well.

ANCHOR BREWING CO. - LIBERTY ALE  Smell is very hoppy with a nice citrus note, mostly grapefruit with a hint of banana and a touch of caramel. Nice fruity hop taste, touch of grapefruit, but i dont notice the banana at all here. Nice ale, flavorful, balanced, pleasant and easy drinking. Glad i bought more than one of these so i can enjoy some more soon.

JOHHNY CASH - AMERICAN IV: THE MAN COMES AROUND  The Man In Black, enough said. This series is unbelievable, the emotion, the songs, just amazing. The cover of Nine Inch Nails song Hurt is soooo good. All 15 tracks need to be heard.

2 miles on treadmill

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 20, 2013

NEW GLARUS BREWING CO. - UFF DA  This beer is all about the malts. Smell has some caramel, toffee, and toasted malts. Flavor follows the nose. Starts with a nice sweet malt and toasted malts follow. Very malty profile, hops barely make a presence. Easy drinking and smooth. Nice Bock that had great complexity and depth. I have not had many Bock style beers, but if they are all like this one, i will look for some more as i really enjoyed this one.

NEW GLARUS BREWING CO. - MOON MAN  This is a nice American pale ale from New Glarus. Smells great, flowery and citrus hops with a hint of caramel sweetness and some pine. Pine is very up front in the taste, a bit of grapefruit with a nice sweetness to it. Nicely balanced, crisp smooth taste, this is a real nice pale ale, and could be a staple in everyones fridge.
New Glarus seems to do a very good job on all their beers, sure wish they distributed in Minnesota, getting a hold of them is a little bit of work right now.

FELT - A TRIBUTE TO CHRISTINA RICCI  Felt is a collaboration of rappers Murs and Slug from Atmosphere.  These guys are pretty tight together. I love Atmosphere, so of course i like anything Slug does. When i got this i was not too familier with Murs, but he is really good too. Great stories, great rhymes, and top notch beats, this is a fun listen, just too short at 10 tracks and only 7 actual songs.

2 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19, 2013

FLAT EARTH BREWING CO. - MUMMY TRAIN PUMPKIN ALE  Smells great. This one has as close to a straight up pumpkin pie aroma of any i have tried in this style, the spices are there, but pretty faint. The flavor is pretty muted, not strong at all. Taste like pumpkin pie with a hint of cinnamon. Very light and thin, on the watery side even. Easy to drink, but certainly not up to par with some of the other pumpkin beers out there. The smell was really good, but the taste was a bit of a let down. I would drink it again, but probably wouldnt buy it again.

FOO FIGHTERS - SKIN AND BONES  Foo Fighters. Live. Acoustic (or close there to). Nice change of pace for these guys. Released in 2006, all the hits up to then stripped down, damn fine listen.

1 mile on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013

LUCETTE BREWING COMPANY - THE FARMERS DAUGHTER  The aroma is fairly simple, some citrus fruit and a touch of spice. A little more than a typical blonde ale, but still kind of boring. Flavor matches the nose, without the touch of spices, it would be below average, they really help add to the flavor. Not the most interesting blonde ale out there but the touch of spices give it a little uniqueness at least.

LUCETTE BREWING COMPANY - RIDE AGAIN PALE ALE  Nose has plenty of floral and citrus notes, mostly grapefruit and a little orange. Nice bitter hop flavor with a malty start. Very well balanced. Nothing to really fault at all, this is what an American pale ale should be, perfect balance of malts and hops. Very drinkable, i could drink this one any time.

STONE TEMPLE PILOTS - CORE  Great debut album and possible their best from start to finish. Seems a little harder than some of their later efforts.Favorites: Dead & Bloated, Sex Type Thing, Wicked Garden, Creep, and Plush.

3 miles on treadmill

Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 17, 2013

LAGUNITAS BREWING COMPANY - NEW DOGTOWN PALE ALE  Great aroma. Huge grapefruit up front with hints of pine and lemon. Blast of citrus hops with grapefruit notes up front, finishes with some toasty malts. Nicely balanced., but leans to the hop side. More hops than a standard American pale ale, actually has more than some of the weaker IPAs out there. This is a solid beer for everyday drinking, very enjoyable.

LAGUNITAS BREWING COMPANY - MAXIMUS IPA  Piney hops dominate the smell with hints of citrus. Strong hops in the taste and actually has more malts than i was expecting and is a little on the sweet side. With the name Maximus i was expecting the hops to domiante everything else, but it was more balanced than i expected. Nice refreshing taste, i liked it, not a huge fan of the straight up hop bomb IPAs. Good choice.

SIMON & GARFUNKEL - GREATEST HITS  This collection is simple and to the point. Perfect for the casual Simon & Garfunkel fan. Probably not as extensive song list as the hardcore fan would want, but has all the hits to give you the basic idea of what they are all about. Perfect in my book.

2 miles on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 16, 2013

EPIC BREWING CO and DC BRAU BREWING CO.- FERMENTATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION IMPERIAL PUMPKIN PORTER  This is a collaboration beer between a couple of breweries. The smell starts with some chocolate roasted malts. There is also hints of vanilla and spices, but i dont really notice much pumpkin. However there is more pumpkin in the taste, but it is still pretty subtle, otherwise all the aromas are represented well in the flavor. Nice complexity and balance. A interesting take on the pumpkin style and worth the try.

ILIZA SHLESINGER - WAR PAINT  If you have not heard of Iliza, check her out, she is very funny. I think she won Last Comic Standing one year it was on TV and this is her most recent special and is great. Listened to it in the car today and was laughing out loud a lot. Anybody i passed was probably wondering what in the hell i was doing. Also comes with a DVD of the full show, i have not watched that yet, but cant wait.

3 miles on treadmill

Friday, November 15, 2013

November 15, 2013

SIERRA NEVADA BREWING CO. - FLIPSIDE RED IPA  Faint smell of hops and some tropical fruits with a hint of pine. First taste gives a little hop bite upfront followed by citrus and tropical fruits and hints of caramel. Has a nice pine hop finish. Very nice easy drinking beer. Hoppy, but not over hopped.  I really enjoyed this one.

SIERRA NEVADA BREWING CO. - NARWHAL Russian Imperial Stout with a 10.2% ABV. Kind of has a boozy aroma with roasted malts, coffee, and black licorice. The taste is very bold, black licorice, chocolate, and coffee and i really noticed the alcohol in the finish. Has a little bitterness too. Thick and creamy mouthfeel, definately a sipping beer. Perfect on a cold winter night. This could be a really top of the line stout, and probably is for most people, but i cant stand black licorice and that really ruined it for me, but even with that, well worth trying.

LUCERO - 1372 OVERTON PARK  This is their sixth studio album.  Memphis bluesy soul rick and roll music. Ben Nichols has a very distinct raspy voice and once you have heard it, you wont forget it. Love these guys and their live shows are not to be missed. Great songs and musicianship. If you know the band, you will understand, if you dont, listen to them and hopefully you will get it.

1 mile on treadmill

Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 14, 2013

ALASKAN BREWING CO. - ALASKAN PUMPKIN PORTER  This is from their limited edition pilot series. Aroma has a delicious pumpkin and spice smell with hints of brown sugar. Flavor follows the nose, pumpkin and spices with the brown sugar giving it a nice sweet finish. The pumpkin is a little subdued, but it tastes great. Smooth and creamy, this is one of the better pumpkin beers i have had this year. Nicely balanced and a great representation of the style. No surprise, as their Raspberry Wheat from the pilot series was really good too.

ERIC CHURCH - CHIEF  Third studio album from Eric. Every song on this record is really good. Love his mix of country and rock. Seems like he would be a blast to see live. Hits:  Creepin', Drink In My Hand, Like Jesus Does, Country Music Jesus, Jack Daniels, and Springsteen.

3 miles on treadmill

As i mentioned last night, today is Give To The Max Day in Minnesota. Its a great opportunity to help some people out.  While i have four months left in this little experiment (see post 1 in this blog) and i have no doubt in my mind i will complete the final four months, i am covering the last 4 months donations today, but will be only counting it for November.

I donated to 3 spots today, if you can help, please do. Go to and search for them or search for your favorite charity.

Cheerful Givers (thanks to former Twin Michael Cuddyer @mcuddy3 for raising awareness for this group)
Angel Foundation
Lakes Area Humane Society

The website has been a little slow this morning, but please stick with it.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 13, 2013

BOSTON BEER CO. - SAMUEL ADAMS WEE HEAVY  This is a Scotch style ale in the Samuel Adams Imperial Series, not sure i have had this style before, with a 10% ABV.  It kind of smells smoky and burnt, roasted malts with just a hint of caramel. The first taste had a sharp burnt malt punch with some sweet carmelized fruit in the finish. Very complex, a lot going on. The high ABV is partially hidden, but you can notice it in the finish for sure. Although its fairly smooth and tasty, just not my favorite style.

BOSTON BEER CO. - SAMUEL ADAMS DOUBLE BOCK  This is a doppelbock in the Samuel Adams Imperial Series with a 9.5% ABV.  Aroma has some sweet malts, a little caramel and some dark fruits. Taste is malty caramel with some nutty notes amd dark fruit. Not bad, but i was expecting more. Worth a try, but considering i had just had the Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock a week or so ago, which was so good, this one just didnt quite compare. Certainly nothing wrong with this, it actually suits the style well.

MICHAEL JACKSON - NUMBER ONES  Everybody needs a little Michael Jackson in their collection.

2 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

FYI - tomorrow is Give To The Max Day in Minnesota, i will be making my November donation for success (is there really any doubt) tomorrow along with a some extra donations. Tomorrow would be a great day to donate if you can. Go to for more details

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12, 2013

GREAT LAKES BREWING CO. - BURNING RIVER PALE ALE  Has a strong tropical citrus smell with some sweet malt aroma. Hints of pine. Has a little sweetness up front with some bitterness at the end as well as some grassy and floral notes. Clean, refreshing and easy to drink, this is exactly what an American pale ale should be.

GREAT LAKES BREWING CO. - COMMODORE PERRY IPA  These Great Lakes beers are sure good. They seem to really have it down. A little fruit on the nose, and a little sweetness. Taste is well balanced; floral, sweet malt, hoppy, a little bitter with a crisp finish. This is a well crafted and subtle IPA. Smooth and easy to drink, its simply delicious. Very good, if you like IPAs, this is a must try.

DRIVE BY TRUCKERS - SOUTHERN ROCK OPERA  This double concept album really put DBT on the national map. Great band, great music, great songs, great album.  So many good songs its hard to pick one out, but Let There Be Rock is the main stand out and is a live classic. No need for more, pick this one up, you wont be dissapointed.

2 miles on treadmill

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013

BELLS BREWERY INC - WHEAT LOVE ALE  Sweet bready aromas, wheaty and yeasty with a touch of floral hops and some banana. Almost seems like a hefeweizen. Flavor has some clove, bananas, some yeast and a little wheat. This is a sweeter, stronger hefeweizen in my opinion.  Has a little warm alcohol finish, but at 8% ABV, that is a little expected. Nice beer, it was really good.

BELLS BREWERY INC - BEST BROWN ALE  Smell is mostly roasted malts, a little nuttiness and some caramel. Taste is similar, but a little sweeter; roasted malts, brown sugar, and some caramel with a light hop finish. Well balanced, this is a very refreshing Fall beer.  Bells sure seems to do a good job on everything they produce.

BLACKBERRY SMOKE - BAD LUCK AINT NO CRIME  Debut album from these southern rockers. Nice mix of country and  rock. I really like these guys, great southern rock band. I once heard them described as "too rock for country and too country for rock" which kind of sums them up real good. Hard driving guitar sound. While their records are really good, they really shine live.  Favorites: Testify, Train Rollin, Angeline, and Freeborn Man.

2 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

Sunday, November 10, 2013

November 10, 2013

WEYERBACHER BREWING CO. - IMPERIAL PUMPKIN ALE  This is a nice smelling pumpkin ale. There is a little pumpkin on the nose but the spices really dominate, mostly cinnamon. The aroma gives high hopes, unfortunately that is where it stopped for me. Just seemed to fall a little flat (i had 2 bottles from 2 different stores), it just not that pumpkiny or spicy. It just seems kind of thin and the flavor is just a little muted. Not a bad beer, just average.

BIG BAY BREWING COMPANY - UFER BIER  This is a Oktoberfest Marzen style  beer. Standard aroma for the style, but pretty weak. Boring flavor, caramel malts with a little breadiness, but just nothing exciting. Maybe a good introduction to the style for somebody, but for a fan you will be dissapointed.

THOSE DARLINS - THOSE DARLINS  I saw these ladies open for the Drive By Truckers a few years ago and loved the live show. Punk rock atittude blended with rock and country, punkabilly? The live shows have a ton of energy, but this, their debut album, is just ok. Most songs sound the same and the production leaves a little something to be desired (luckily, i have their albums after this one and know they have got better), however, it is still a fun listen and gives some hope to future sounds. Favorites: Red Light Love, Wild One, Snaggle Tooth Mama, and DUI Or Die.

1 mile on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

Saturday, November 9, 2013

November 9, 2013

BOSTON BEER COMPANY- SAMUEL ADAMS OCTOBERFEST  Both the aroma and taste consist of sweet caramel malts, typical for the style. Crisp and to the point, this beer seems really simple, but that is just fine as it is really good. Incredibly easy to drink and well balanced, this is exactly what this style should be. I wish it wasnt a seasonal release, as there is always room for a few of these in my beer fridge. Excellent beer.

BOSTON BEER COMPANY - SAMUEL ADAMS HARVEST PUMPKIN ALE  A nice spicy aroma, plenty of cinnamon and nutmeg, but kind of weak on the pumpkin. Flavor is very similar to the nose. The spices dominate, but overall the taste is more mild than the smell. Seems kind of thin. The taste just isnt as complex as some other pumpkin beers i have tried. Its ok i guess, i think i was just expecting more, especially after how good their Octoberfest was.

LED ZEPPELIN - SNOWBLIND  This is a bootleg of their March 19th and 20th shows in 1975 from Vancouver BC. Same set list both nights except for the closing number. The sound on these is incredible! You would have no idea these were recorded almost 40 years ago, they sound like a studio release from today.  Six plus hours of Led Zeppelin, you cant go wrong.

4 miles on treadmill

Friday, November 8, 2013

November 8, 2013

STEVENS POINT BREWERY -  POINT NUDE BEACH SUMMER WHEAT Another find in the back of the fridge, i dont see a best buy date, so hoping its just fine. The smell is mostly a grainy wheat with a little citrus. Lots of citrus and wheat up front (lemon and citrus). Good malt and hop balance. Nice clean and refreshing beer. Guessing it would have even been better on a warm summer day, but didnt taste stale at all.  Might be the best i have tried from Stevens Point.

LAKEFRONT BREWERY INC. - WHEAT MONKEY ALE  Not much to the smell, mostly just wheat with some citrus hints.
Taste is similar to the aroma, mostly wheat malts, some yeast, and a little hop bitterness in the finish. Rather boring, just a middle of the road wheat ale.

THE TRAVELER BEER CO. - JACK-O TRAVELER SHANDY  Smells like cinnamon and spices, pumpkin pie and sweet malts. Even has some lemon hints. Nice flavor, mix of pumpkin spices, malts, and cinnamon. The lemon in the smell is barely noticeable in the taste but does add to the sweetness. I wasnt expecting much out of this (not sure why), but was pleasantly surprised. A quite decent take on the pumpkin style, well worth trying.

ATMOSPHERE - GOD LOVES UGLY  Great album from Minnesotas Atmosphere. I think this was their 3rd album. Classic. Great lyrics from Slug and great beats by Ant. Still cant believe these guys are not bigger on the national scene. One of their best. All 18 tracks are worth the listen.

2 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

Thursday, November 7, 2013

November 7, 2013

SOUTHERN TIER BREWING CO. - HARVEST  I thought this was going to be an Oktoberfest style beer by the name, but i was wrong. Smell is great, lots of hops with a little citrus. Taste is well balanced hops and malts, a little caramel sweetness and some bitterness. A well done bitter style ale. Not what i was expecting, but was very good.

MILLSTREAM BREWING CO. - GREAT PUMPKIN IMPERIAL STOUT  First smell is dominated by spices. A little toffee, caramel, chocolate, and cherries, i dont get much for pumpkin at all. Taste is pretty sweet with some heavy spicing. Roasted malts with hints of chocolate, cinnamon, caramel, cherry, and some light pumpkin. Just doesnt seem like a "pumpkin" beer to me, i was kind of dissapointed, not what is advertised.

INXS - THE GREATEST HITS  Was never a huge fan, but everyone needs a little INXS in their collection, so a greatest hits is perfect.  This one is from 1994 and is pretty good. Missing a few hits that i thought should be included, but still a pretty good representation.

1 mile on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 6, 2013

TYRANENA BREWING CO. - PAINTED LADIES PUMPKIN SPICE ALE  Great smell, smells like a pumpkin pie. Lots of spices, cinnamon, nutmeg and lots of pumpkin. One of the better pumpkin smelling beers. Taste is more of the same, smooth pumpkin, roasted malts, and a bit of spicyness, mostly cinnamon. A pleasant surprise, first beer from Tyranena i have tried. If you like the pumpkin beers this is one worth finding and trying.

LEFT HAND BREWING COMPANY - OKTOBERFEST  I know i have said it before, and i will say it again, i really enjoy these Oktoberfest Marzen style beers, and this one is no exception. Sweet  caramel malt smell with a little bit of nuttiness. Taste had a great balance of everything in the style. Malty, toasty, bready with a little hop finish. Another nice Oktoberfest.

PARLIAMENT - UP FOR THE DOWN STROKE  A little funk for a Wednesday. Classic record from a groundbreaking group. Originally released in 1974, these guys were well ahead of the times. Top of their game musically and creatively, just good stuff. If you dont get it, your not ready. Favorites:  Testify, The Goose, I Can Move You (If You Let Me), and Prescence Of A Brain.

2.5 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 5, 2013

LAKEFRONT BREWERY INC. - CREAM CITY PALE ALE  The aroma has some floral notes with some grass, and orange hints too. Taste is more citrus and piney hops flavors.  Decent pale ale, nothing special, but something easily drinkable.

BOULDER BEER CO. - KINDA BLUE BLUEBERRY WHEAT BEER  Found this one buried in the back of the fridge, 2 months past best by date. Nose is kind of weak, some faint blueberry, wheats and malts.  Taste is very similar to the nose, just dont notice much for the blueberries, they are very understated which leads it to not being a sweet as i expected.  Kind of average, just not much there for me. Didnt taste old at all, so dont think it being old had any effect in it. Still have yet to find a decent blueberry beer.

AYINGER BREWERY - AYINGER CELEBRATOR DOPPELBOCK  A German import, not sure where i picked this one up or when, but sure wish i had bought more. Smell has a lot going on. Rich sweet malts, molasses, caramel, chocolate, and some fruits. Tastes just as good as it smells and pretty much follows the nose. Dark and very malty. Smooth and not too sweet. This is just amazing, reminds me of visiting Germany and all the unbelievable beers i was able to sample while there. I need to get back someday. In the meantime, i need to find some more of these.

JIMMY BUFFETT - ENCORES  This album was from 2010 and features 22 songs that were featured as the final songs or encores of concerts on the 2008-2009 "Year Of Still Here" tour. About half of them are Jimmy solo and the rest feature the band and some special guests. If you love Jimmy, this is a great album, lots of good stories and great songs. Lots of songs that are a little on the rare side, a few covers, and some Buffett classics. Its nice to hear the songs mostly stripped down and let the story and his voice take over. A must have for any Parrothead.

2 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

Monday, November 4, 2013

October Success

Well, month 8 is in the books. This months charity is The Wonded Warrior Project.  This is a great organization doing great things. If you would like to donate, please visit

For the next couple of weeks, i will continue to be trying multiple beers on some days. I've never been a wise shopper and have wound up with quite a few beers that have expiration dates near. While not a big believer in expiration dates on alot of products, i figured it wouldnt hurt to try multiples some nights to clean the fridge out. Also, i can clear some room out for the winter seasonals. So, heres to November. Four months to go!

November 4, 2013

SUMMIT BREWING COMPANY - SAGA INDIA PALE ALE Smells of piney and citrus hops, very nice. Flavor had some nice bitterness with floral and citrus flavors, lots of grapefruit. Nicely balanced. This is a very good beer. Nothing out of the ordinary, but just what an American IPA should be. For the price, there might not be a better IPA out there. Great value beer, this should be a staple in the fridge.

ROGUE ALES - MOCHA PORTER  This has a nice coffee smell with hints of chocolate and roasted malts. Strong coffee flavor with a nice mix of chocolate. The hops are definitely noticeable too. I can taste the coffee, but its not overpowering which is good since i am not a big coffee drinker. Not bad, but nothing exceptional, kind of like most Rogue beers i have tried. 

NEW BELGIUM BREWING - SHIFT LAGER  Light aroma of toasted malts along with some citrus hops. Upfront there is some toasted and pale malts with a little sweetness. Then follows some light floral and citrus hops which have just a little bitterness. This beer is very flavorful for the style and easy to drink. A little more interesting than most American lagers due to the hop prescence. Nice beer. Another solid offering from New Belgium.

JAKE TROUT AND THE FLOUNDERS - I LOVE TO PLAY  First off, the band was PGA golfers Peter Jacobsen, Mark Lye and the late Payne Stewart.  Think of Weird Al Yankovic doing an album of golf themed music. This is what you have here. These guys did a great job and this one is a fun listen, especially if you are a golf fan. Songs: I Love To Play, Strugglers Blues, Love The One You Whiff, Play The Senior Tour, I Just Wanna Cry, It'd Be Good (To Just Make Par), I'm On 18, Get Better, Get It To The Hole, Metal Wood, and Time To Let It Fly.

1 mile on treadmill

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3, 2013

THIRD STREET BREWHOUSE - JACK'D UP AUTUMN ALE  Malt and spices on the nose, mostly cinnamon and nutmeg. Taste has more spices and some malt flavor, but for a pumpkin beer it really seems to be missing any notes of pumpkin. Overall, the smell is decent, but the flavor is a little underwhelming. Easy drinking, just not memorable.

GREAT LAKES BREWING CO. - OKTOBERFEST  Nice caramel malt provides most of the aroma, some toffee and breads.  Medium sweet caramel malts in the taste balanced with some earthy bitterness. A great beer, very drinkable and smooth. One of the better Oktoberfest beers i have tried. Seems Great Lakes does an exceptional job on every beer.

STEVENS POINT BREWERY - POINT OKTOBERFEST  Typical Oktoberfest smell, caramel and toasted malts. Taste is the same, but more muted. Accurate protayal of the style, just kind of boring. As a Oktoberfest Marzen its not anywhere near the best in the category, but as a drinkable beer, its ok.

PRINCE - DIRTY MIND  Classic early Prince. This was his third album and is brilliant. This one really established his name and style. Still sounds fresh today. My only complaint is its barely 30 minutes long. Favorites: Dirty Mind, When You Were Mine, Gotta Broken Heart Again, Uptown, Head, Sister, and Party Up.

3 miles on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November 2, 2013

HI.P.A.  Aroma and taste are nice and hoppy, some floral and citrus notes and grass. Some mild bitterness and is a little on the sweet side. Okay IPA, worth a taste, nothing bad to say about, just lacks anyhing to make it "pop" and stand out versus all the other IPAs out there.

MAGIC HAT BREWING COMPANY - BLIND FAITH  Smells of citrus, pine and grass, but the citrus seems very faint for an IPA. The taste has floral hops with a little caramel malts. Balance seems a little off, more malts than hops, doesnt seem like you are even drinking an IPA.  Drinks easy enough, but the flavor and aroma just aernt there for me.

BROOKLYN BREWERY - POST ROAD PUMPKIN ALE  Nose has some pumpkin, and some spices, mainly cinnamon and nutmeg, and a has a little sweetness, not bad. Taste doesnt quite live up to the smell though, seems more muted and a little thin. Its good, but just a little dull. Overall, its a good easy to drink beer, just know you will be underwhelmed in the flavor.

FISHBONE - IN YOUR FACE  I really loved these guys when they first came out. Kind of hard to describe. Ska/funk/punk/rock/reggae/metal should about cover it. Very unique sound. This was their first full length album, released in 1991. They are still rocking today. Favorites: When Problems Arise, Cholly, I Wish I Had A Date, and Knock It. These guys really have to be heard, they are really good and certainly underappreciated. I have not had the chance to see them live, but everyone says their live shows dwarf their records. Some day...

3 miles on treadmill, 1 hour in bike

Friday, November 1, 2013

November 1, 2013

LUCID BREWING - DYNO PALE ALE  Very intense floral and citrus aroma, pretty typical for a pale ale. Taste is citrus and floral, it has a lot of citrus up front, the hops have a nice bitterness and level of flavor, but i dont notice much in the malt department. Not much there behind the hops for balance. Not bad, just not very complex; a solid effort, but there is nothing about it that stands out.

LUCID BREWING - SILO SAISON  Very malty with Belgian yeast. Spicy fruity aroma. Flavor matches the nose with hints of lemon, banana and cloves, a little on the sweet side. Almost reminds me of a Hefeweizen. A decent beer, nicely balanced, just a little confused on what its trying to be, but thats probably just me.

LUCID BREWING - DUO DOUBLE IPA  Nice 9% ABV on this one. Aroma is citrus right away and then some pine notes. Taste matches the nose, seems a little more muted than the aroma though. More citrus and grapefruit, a little pine and a slight sweetness from the malts to balance it out. Alcohol is hidden really well, no notice of it in the smell, just a little in the flavor, finishes with some warmth. Excellent beer. My favorite from Lucid so far and a added bonus that they are a Minnesota brewery.

WEIRD AL YANKOVIC - POLKA PARTY  This is probably my least favorite of his albums, but its still Weird Al, so its still fun to listen to. Decent songs, just none that are too memorable. My favorite on this one is Christmas At Ground Zero, not even a parody, but an original song. Still, all of his albums are worth lidtening to.

3 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes in bike