Saturday, November 23, 2013

November 23, 2013

CISCO BREWERS ISLAND RESERVE - RUMPLE DRUMKIN  Bottle states its an "ale brewed with smoked pumpkins and spices then aged in ex rum barrels."  Aroma has some faint pumpkin and spices, but smoky malts seem to overwhelm those. There is also just a faint hint of rum. Everything is very muted though, not what i was expecting.  The smoked malts dominate the flavor, the pumpkin and spices just dont come out enough for me. The smoke is just too strong and hides everything else. There are alot better pumpkin style beers out there. Glad i gave it a try, but would not buy again.

RICHARD PRYOR - THE WARNER BROS. ALBUMS (1974-1983)  Listened to the third album in this box set, Bicentennial Nigger. Love Richard Pryor, but this is the weakest album in the box set so far, not bad, but just not up to the the first two i have listened to. Mudbone Goes To Hollywood is the highlight.

4 miles in treadmill

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