Saturday, November 2, 2013

November 2, 2013

HI.P.A.  Aroma and taste are nice and hoppy, some floral and citrus notes and grass. Some mild bitterness and is a little on the sweet side. Okay IPA, worth a taste, nothing bad to say about, just lacks anyhing to make it "pop" and stand out versus all the other IPAs out there.

MAGIC HAT BREWING COMPANY - BLIND FAITH  Smells of citrus, pine and grass, but the citrus seems very faint for an IPA. The taste has floral hops with a little caramel malts. Balance seems a little off, more malts than hops, doesnt seem like you are even drinking an IPA.  Drinks easy enough, but the flavor and aroma just aernt there for me.

BROOKLYN BREWERY - POST ROAD PUMPKIN ALE  Nose has some pumpkin, and some spices, mainly cinnamon and nutmeg, and a has a little sweetness, not bad. Taste doesnt quite live up to the smell though, seems more muted and a little thin. Its good, but just a little dull. Overall, its a good easy to drink beer, just know you will be underwhelmed in the flavor.

FISHBONE - IN YOUR FACE  I really loved these guys when they first came out. Kind of hard to describe. Ska/funk/punk/rock/reggae/metal should about cover it. Very unique sound. This was their first full length album, released in 1991. They are still rocking today. Favorites: When Problems Arise, Cholly, I Wish I Had A Date, and Knock It. These guys really have to be heard, they are really good and certainly underappreciated. I have not had the chance to see them live, but everyone says their live shows dwarf their records. Some day...

3 miles on treadmill, 1 hour in bike

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