Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November 27, 2013

BIG WOOD BREWERY - BARK BITE  Lots of citrus and malt scents with a touch of pine. Taste is just like it smells, a little citrus up front with a hoppy bitter finish. The citrus is pretty faint though. Eh, average IPA, highlight is it is a Minnesota brewery and is priced right, just dont expect to be wowed.

BIG WOOD BREWERY - JACK PINE SAVAGE  The smell has lots of malt up front. Caramel, toffee, and some toasted malts. Hints of some citrus hops, but they are not real prominent; its pretty nice overall. Taste follows the nose and is very well balanced. Nothing real extraordinary, but a really nice everyday take on an American pale ale. Crisp, smooth, and tasty, this is a nice addition to the Minnesota beer scene, will for sure revisit this one.

EVERLAST - WHITEY FORD SINGS THE BLUES  I really enjoy most of Everlasts work. This CD was pretty popular due to What Its Like and Ends, which kind of had an acoustic folk rap kind of vibe, but the rest of the album is straight up rap. Good stuff.

2 miles on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

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