Friday, November 15, 2013

November 15, 2013

SIERRA NEVADA BREWING CO. - FLIPSIDE RED IPA  Faint smell of hops and some tropical fruits with a hint of pine. First taste gives a little hop bite upfront followed by citrus and tropical fruits and hints of caramel. Has a nice pine hop finish. Very nice easy drinking beer. Hoppy, but not over hopped.  I really enjoyed this one.

SIERRA NEVADA BREWING CO. - NARWHAL Russian Imperial Stout with a 10.2% ABV. Kind of has a boozy aroma with roasted malts, coffee, and black licorice. The taste is very bold, black licorice, chocolate, and coffee and i really noticed the alcohol in the finish. Has a little bitterness too. Thick and creamy mouthfeel, definately a sipping beer. Perfect on a cold winter night. This could be a really top of the line stout, and probably is for most people, but i cant stand black licorice and that really ruined it for me, but even with that, well worth trying.

LUCERO - 1372 OVERTON PARK  This is their sixth studio album.  Memphis bluesy soul rick and roll music. Ben Nichols has a very distinct raspy voice and once you have heard it, you wont forget it. Love these guys and their live shows are not to be missed. Great songs and musicianship. If you know the band, you will understand, if you dont, listen to them and hopefully you will get it.

1 mile on treadmill

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