Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 26, 2013

BOSTON BEER COMPANY- FAT JACK DOUBLE PUMPKIN ALE  The smell is pretty muted, notes of cinnamon, caramel,allspice, a bit of pumpkin and some sweet malts. Taste is similar to the nose, but just doesnt seem like there is a lot of pumpkin present to me, especially beings its labeled a double pumpkin ale. The pumpkin is up front, and you get more of the spices in the finish, but its not overly spiced, I just wish the pumpkin stood out a little more. Still though, pretty good overall, nicely balanced and easy to drink, just missing a little something to really make it stand out. It has some pumpkin, but i was hoping for more. As a fall beer its good, but as a pumpkin beer it misses the mark a little. I actually enjoyed their regular pumpkin beer more.

ALISON KRAUSS AND ROBERT PLANT - RAISING SAND  Perhaps an odd pairing, but this album is unbelievable. The voice of Led Zeppelin and one of countrys best voices, just go so well together, its kind of hard to explain, but sounds great to me. This was released in 2007 and i sure wish they would team up again. Favorites: all of them.

1 mile on treadmill

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