Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22, 2013

ODELL BREWING CO. - MYRCENARY DOUBLE IPA  A nice 9.3% ABV on this one.  Great fruity hop aroma, mostly tropical fruits; kiwi, orange, and grapefruit. Also a hint of some bready malts and pine. Taste is almost identical to the smell. Tropical fruits all over the place. Mild alcohol heat, buts its minimal, very nicely balanced. This is just really good. Great hop flavor and aroma, but not overpowering. Excellent.

ODELL BREWING CO. - MOUNTAIN STANDARD DOUBLE BLACK IPA  This one from Odell has a 9.5% ABV, definately no lite beers tonight. Smell has some big roasted malts and citrusy hops with hints of chocolate, coffee and pine. Taste has all kinds of roasted malts, caramel, coffee and chocolate. Hops give it a little bitterness, but it is very nicely balanced, you can hardly notice the alcohol. This is exactly what a black IPA should be; complex, balanced and tasty. Just awesome.
I think every beer from Odell i have tried has been excellent, i dont think you can go wrong with anything they offer. I cant wait to go back to their brewery in February.

N.E.R.D. - IN SEARCH OF...   This was their debut album. Great mix of rock and rap. Favorites: Lapdance, Provider, Truth Or Dare, Tape You, Rock Star, and Bobby James. Fun listen.

1 hour on bike

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