Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 24, 2013

BOSTON BEER CO. - BLACK LAGER  The smell is roasted malts with some coffee notes and a hint chocolate. Has a nice creamy taste and was a little sweeter than i expected. The flavor is malty with some mild chocolate, toffee, coffee and even has a little spiciness from the hops. Lots going on in the flavor.  Easy to drink and very smooth for a dark beer, very tasty. If someone says the dont like dark beers, they should give this one a try, i think they would be pretty surprised how good it is.

BOSTON BEER CO. - CHERRY WHEAT  This is a very sweet smelling beer. The cherries dominate with a little wheat backbone. The cherry aroma reminds me of cough syrup. Cherry flavor is very up front, and is a little on the sweet side. The wheat is pretty light. I actually really didnt mind it at all, was pretty refreshing and enjoyable. I can see this one as being a love or hate with most people, there is probably no in between.

PATRICE PIKE - UNRAVELING  This CD was released when she probably was most recognizable. She had just been a contestent on Rockstar Supernova (or whatever it was that year). I thought she could have won, but was glad she didnt, so she didnt have to perform with those guys who were well past their prime.(Incidentally, i think they only released one album, and it was pretty much a bomb.) She had a few solo albums before this one and has had a few since too. Great songwriter and great voice. Her previous band, Sister 7, was very good too. I think she is unbelievably talented and has not got the commercial success she deserves. Check her solo stuff or Sister 7 records out, i dont think you will be dissapointed. Favorites: Beautiful Thing, Rufus, Dragonfly, Ridiculous Mess,  Unraveling, and Temple

2 miles on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

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