Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 17, 2013

LAGUNITAS BREWING COMPANY - NEW DOGTOWN PALE ALE  Great aroma. Huge grapefruit up front with hints of pine and lemon. Blast of citrus hops with grapefruit notes up front, finishes with some toasty malts. Nicely balanced., but leans to the hop side. More hops than a standard American pale ale, actually has more than some of the weaker IPAs out there. This is a solid beer for everyday drinking, very enjoyable.

LAGUNITAS BREWING COMPANY - MAXIMUS IPA  Piney hops dominate the smell with hints of citrus. Strong hops in the taste and actually has more malts than i was expecting and is a little on the sweet side. With the name Maximus i was expecting the hops to domiante everything else, but it was more balanced than i expected. Nice refreshing taste, i liked it, not a huge fan of the straight up hop bomb IPAs. Good choice.

SIMON & GARFUNKEL - GREATEST HITS  This collection is simple and to the point. Perfect for the casual Simon & Garfunkel fan. Probably not as extensive song list as the hardcore fan would want, but has all the hits to give you the basic idea of what they are all about. Perfect in my book.

2 miles on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

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