Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14, 2013

MOTLEY CRUE - GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS The first CD i ever owned; I didnt actually own a CD player for about 3 months later though. I was a huge Motley fan back in the day, but its been along time since i have taken a hard listen to them. This cd still holds up to me.  Girls Girls Girls and Wild Side are my favorites, but the whole album is solid, might have to dig out some of their other stuff now.

NEW BELGIUM BREWING - FRAMBOZEN RASPBERRY BROWN ALE  I really liked this one. Nice raspberry smell with a hint of caramel and chocolate but not too sweet. Its not overbearing which alot of fruit beers can be. Very drinkable and will be drinking more of it.

1 mile on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

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