Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 16. 2013

DROPKICK MURPHYS - LIVE ON LANSDOWNE BOSTON, MA MARCH 17, 2009  A great choice to start the St. Patricks Day weekend activities. A great live album of all their classics. They always put on a high energy performance and it actually comes through pretty well on this recording. I would have loved to have been there for the experience. Ends with the two classics; Kiss Me I'm S&!%faced and I'm Shipping Up To Boston.

GUINNESS - BLACK LAGER  Not sure what the point of this beer was. It is easy to drink, but not much to it, the beer itself is not bad, just not real memorable. I would drink again, but would always go with their stout if i had the choice.

3 miles on treadmill, 45 minutes on bike

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