Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18, 2013

KATY PERRY - ONE OF THE BOYS   How about a little top 40 candy pop for a Monday? Katy's debut major label album that blew up with the smash single I Kissed A Girl. It also has Hot  N Cold and Waking Up In Vegas. Like any album that gets major airplay these days, all the singles had hugely popular videos too. Not afraid to admit it, i really enjoy this album. A nice fun lightweight listen. Whenever I hear I Kissed A Girl I  think back to when it was popular and one of my friends young daughter would always ask him "why is she kissing another girl?" and him struggling to answer her. That always made me laugh.

LEINENKUGELS - SNOWDRIFT VANILLA PORTER   Taste is a little on the sweet side with hints of chocolate and lots of vanilla. A little thin for a porter, but a pretty decent beer overall. It is very smooth and quite drinkable with good flavor. More a kind of a beer where you have 1 or 2 and move on though.

1 mile on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

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