Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 30, 2013

PRINCE - 20TEN  This CD from Prince was originally released as a freebie in the London Daily Mirror newspaper in 2010 and then a few other European publications after that. It never saw an official release here. I am guessing it never got released here as it got kind of a cool reception in Europe. But, as a big Prince fan, i enjoy anything he puts out. The only tracks that stand out to me here though are Act Of God and Everbody Loves Me. The latter has a little funk feel like it could be from the Purple Rain era. Anyways, not many people here have it, so at least its a little unique.

ABITA - CHRISTMAS ALE 2012  This is an interesting take on a Christmas winter brew. I cant really pin down the smell or flavor. All that really comes to mind is "piney". Its a decent beer, but it doesnt really say Christmas to me at all, or stand out. The label says they change the recipe on this seasonal beer yearly, heres to a change next year to make it more memorable.

3.5 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

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